Welcome neighbors. We are glad to be reaching over 2,000 plus residents in East Orlando, and happier to be "Building Community One Issue at a time."
When I say Avalon Park is a special place to live, I mean it. It really isn't just a neighborhood, its a community. I was reminded of this when we went to our little Hannah's Meet the Teacher. She is so excited to be entering Kindergarten. After entering her class and seeing where she would be sitting, we noticed a familiar name tag laying directly beside hers, Madison. Well this was a very special person sitting right next to Hannah, because several years ago, my Neighbors, Brian and Zulieka, were pregnant with their first child while we were Pregnant with our little Hannah. 
I remember vividly, Brian and I talking after game night and how we were so excited about the possibilities of these two going to school together and now to see them placed next to each other without any input from either of us, is short of amazing. There is so much more back story to this, and it is just so very special the community we have in Avalon Park where neighbors are watching out for one another and their precious gifts. I would continue to encourage residents to engage yourself in one of the many different interests groups we have in Avalon Park. I bet your experience and journey would be one of fulfillment, enrichment and servitude.
The Series “My Journey" has come to an end with this issue, but do not be disheartened. We have another Series planned "My Business Journey." Avalon Park Businesses discuss how they came to be, their triumphs and challenges. Mike Seif's contribution this month is a good segue to this new series. If you are an Avalon Park Business and will like to contribute your story (remember, we only have 6 articles in this series), please feel free to email publishing@apgazette.com for consideration.
Every month, we have had the opportunity to be inspired by one of our neighbors and peek inside a part of their life's journey. We have shared their challenges, disappointments, triumphs, and reflections. It has been enriching, rewarding, and most of all, a great contribution to our monthly articles. In this issue, we have the opportunity to read the journey of Mike Seif, Avalon Park Community Advocate, Orange TV Operations Manager, and Resident. We also would like to welcome one of our newest Education Specialist Contributor, Manuel Jimenez.
We are often asked why an event or an issue impacting our community was not included. The simple answer is, although we strive to cover issues impacting our community, unless someone writes an article and submits it, it most likely will not be included. This newsletter is truly a newsletter developed by neighbors for neighbors and the content responsibility is shared by the community, therefore we all are part of the Gazette Team. Hence, if you have an event or life style oriented article that you would like to submit, please do so! Submit your article by the third Thursday of the month, by 12 pm, to publishing@apgazette.com for consideration in the next issue.
Lastly, we would like to thank our newest Sponsor, American Momentum Bank, for their Platinum Sponsorship, specifically Josh Velazquez, Mortgage Loan Originator. We really appreciate your Sponsorship and contributing to the enrichment of our community through your participation! For sponsorship opportunities, please email Sponsorships@apgazette.com

32828 Statistics: Zone 22B
Where 31 incidents were reported since the last Newsletter, 19 incidents were reported this month in our zone, which includes Avalon Park Area and surrounding communities. However, the data is incomplete, unlike other months, the OCSO website is only reporting up to August 8th and is not up to date. Based on the partial data available, there were 6 Auto Burglaries, 9 Residential Burglaries, 2 Stolen Vehicles and 1 Strong Arm Robbery.
Case Number | Crime | Location | Date |
130068444 | RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY | [500 - 698] SPRING ISLAND WY | 8/8/2013 |
130067860 | RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY | [13601 - 13699] GUILDHALL CI | 8/7/2013 |
130067876 | RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY | [1 - 99] PIED CT | 8/7/2013 |
130067012 | RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY | [3000 - 3048] INDUS DR | 8/3/2013 |
130068135 | RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY | [2201 - 2439] CYPRESS TRACE CI | 8/2/2013 |
130065862 | AUTO BURGLARY | [13501 - 13719] WATERHOUSE WY | 7/31/2013 |
130065739 | AUTO BURGLARY | [13501 - 13719] WATERHOUSE WY | 7/30/2013 |
130064299 | STOLEN VEHICLE | [10750 - 10998] ARBOR VIEW BV | 7/26/2013 |
130064014 | RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY | [2000 - 2118] SUNSET TERRACE DR | 7/25/2013 |
130064069 | RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY | [13101 - 13199] HEMING WY | 7/25/2013 |
130064110 | RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY | [2000 - 2118] SUNSET TERRACE DR | 7/25/2013 |
130064295 | AUTO BURGLARY | [200 - 298] WHITERAPIDS CT | 7/25/2013 |
130064602 | STOLEN VEHICLE | [810 - 998] OAK CHASE DR | 7/25/2013 |
130063591 | RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY | [14111 - 14199] MAGNOLIA GLEN CI | 7/24/2013 |
130063753 | STRONG ARM TO PERSON | [3951 - 4099] CLEARY WY | 7/24/2013 |
130063871 | AUTO BURGLARY | [16700 - 16798] CEDAR CREST DR | 7/24/2013 |
130063497 | AUTO BURGLARY | [501 - 599] WATERSCAPE WY | 7/23/2013 |
130405877 | AUTO BURGLARY | [351 - 379] FIELDSTREAM WEST BV | 7/23/2013 |
This month and every month after, we will report a summary of crimes reported in our specific area and adjacent neighborhoods. The first step in crime prevention is awareness.
Avalon Park Residents, Have a safety concern? Feel free to email our off duty deputy Sal.Saldano@ocfl.net He is very responsive! What does off duty mean? It really does not mean they are completely off duty. They are hired by funds set aside by our HOA dues, on their off duty hours, to help secure the safety of our Avalon Park community. We have four deputies, and Sal is the primary coordinator.
To receive future statistics, Subscribe to our newsletter here
Since first step in crime prevention is awareness, everyone can contribute by forwarding these updates to their neighbor.
East Orlando Resident, have an incident, a report, or safety event, please email Safety@apgazette.com to be distributed to our 2,000 plus subscribers.

Tree Adoption Program- FREE TREES for Orange County Residents
September 21st ~ 8am until trees are gone
Magnolia Park, 2929 Binion Road, Apopka, 32703
This is a FREE program for all Orange County citizens designed to encourage residents
to add trees to our environment. Adding trees to the landscape has many long-term
benefits. Along with the obvious advantages of shade and beauty, trees provide
oxygen, filter pollution, and create habitats for wildlife. In addition, trees
replenish our lost tree canopy that has diminished due to storm damage, age, and
development. Each county resident must provide proof of residency and will receive
up to two trees while supplies last.
2013 Plant and Garden Festival
Save The Date!
Saturday, September 21, 2013 ~ 9am to 4pm
Cooperative Extension, 6021 South Conway Road, Orlando, 32812
Plants, Guest Speakers, Children's Activities, Food Trucks, Vendor Displays, Garden Shop, Workshops, Door Prizes/Raffles and more! Experts and workshops will address topics such as improving garden soil, landscape design, hydroponic vegetable gardening, herbs, succulent and garden picks for Central Florida.
For additional information, please call 407-254-9200.
OCPS Still Seeking Faith-Based Partners
Every school in Orange County Public Schools needs volunteers and community partners-from elementary schools to high schools to alternative and exceptional education centers. Faith-based organizations make ideal partners (functioning in a non-proselytizing capacity) because of the organizational structure they already have in place. The extra attention and care from such volunteers can inspire students to reach for and realize their dreams. Click here for more ideas on participation. Or if you're ready to get started, contact Kate Galindo to be matched with a school in need. Time is running out to get all the details sorted out with OCPS so you'll be ready to go when the 2013-2014 school year begins. Hurry!
Orange County Public Schools just keep coming up with new ways that faith-based entities, community organizations and every individual in the region can help make the county's schools more effective. Not only are faith-based and community organizations invited to adopt a school, everyone can help raise funds for schools through a program called Fuel My School. As the foregoing link points out, it's as easy as 1-2-3. When you're shopping at all your favorite online stores--Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, Sports Authority, just about any store--be sure to do it through your school's online mall at FuelMySchool.com, and the school you've designated will get a commission. And it's at no extra cost to you! Is that great opportunity or what? Check it out.
Several New State Laws Affecting HOA's & Condo Associations
If you missed our Community Connections Workshop in June, make sure to brush up on the recent changes to Florida State Statutes affecting Community Associations. The Bills HB73 and HB7119, which will have significant impacts on the operation of condominium, cooperative, and homeowners' associations, were signed into law by Governor Rick Scott and will be effective starting July 1, 2013. Click here for a summary of these new laws; provided by Community Association Leadership Lobby.
Warming Heads and Hearts with Yarn

Renate Weber had been knitting for patients for years, and when she was recently asked by Florida Hospital's Cancer Center Chaplin, Pastor Niesha Steinke, if she could knit hats for chemotherapy patients, she thought bigger than herself. She posted on Facebook under the Avalon Park Voice group that she was looking for others interested in knitting and crocheting to help with the project. That was just over a month ago and there are now over fifteen members of Avalon Park Knit Wits. They meet weekly to share ideas, enjoy conversation, and make chemo caps and newborn hats and blankets.
Chemo caps, as they are commonly referred to, are simply knit hats that cover the heads of patients who have lost hair due to chemotherapy treatments. And the newborn hats and blankets are for the newborn babies in the NICU at Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies.
Anyone interested in joining Avalon Park Knit Wits is welcome. No previous needle crafting experience is necessary. Members that have more experience are happy to help those who are learning. Those who don’t have an interest in knitting or crocheting are also invited to help by donating coupons for Michael’s and JoAnn Fabrics and soft yarn they won’t use. Also, many children receiving chemotherapy do not like to wear knit hats, especially in Florida, so donations of new, unused hats, such as baseball caps are also welcome.
Avalon Park Knit Wits meets Thursday evenings at 7 pm at the Avalon Park South Village Community Center. If you would like to participate, please go to the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/apknitwits/ and request to join. The Facebook group is where the group members share patterns, set meetings and update each other on their progress.
Well My Warranty Deed, at least, Say so!

written by Linda Bilyeu (Sunshine), Village 2
Avalon Park Resident
My Letter to Florida HOA
When I first purchased my home, I received a deed to my home, specifically a Warranty Deed. A warranty deed includes a covenant of quiet enjoyment. Over the years I've listened to many stories about the Homeowners Associations of America. The dreaded HOA who seem to go above and beyond to pester residents of communities.
HOA employees are just doing their job, someone has to do it. It's our choice to live in a deed restricted neighborhood. We could also choose not to. Their job isn't an easy one. They hear all sorts of excuses from residents who don't play by the rules.
Having an HOA is beneficial for a community. They assist with property values and resale. I've lived in communities with an HOA for almost 25 years and I appreciate their work and dedication to the area. I never had an issue with them until now. Could it be because many of the residents aren't paying their fees due to foreclosures, rentals or just because they don't want to? I don't know. I don't care to get involved with their situations.
I just don't appreciate when they seem to pester and harass residents over insignificant and frivolous things. I would like the HOA to care more about the communities wants and needs and less about the almighty dollar. Hence my letter to the HOA...
Dear HOA,
I have received so many letters from you I thought it was time I send you a letter. This is not a letter of praise. This is not a letter of gratitude. This is a letter of annoyance. This is me telling you, I'm tired of being harassed. This is a Sunshine anti-fan letter.
Let me remind you, in case it has slipped your mind...I pay you, you don't pay me. I send you a quarterly payment to do your job. Yes, do your job. I don't pay you to harass me with silly letters. Such as making me aware that my granddaughter left her tricycle on the porch. Seriously? Do you not have better things to do?
Let me remind you one more time...I pay you! I don't pay you to send me a letter that I didn't edge the border of my flower bed when it was only 2 inches high. Really? There must be something more constructive for you to do to earn your salary. OK, I think you now realize that if it wasn't for the residents you most likely wouldn't have a job...a thank you once in a while would be appreciated. I'll now mention the letters I received about a few leaves scattered on the street. Just in case you were't aware of this, the street is actually the counties property. Surely you knew that. How about the letter for weeds? The same weeds that found their way to my yard via my neighbors lawn. The dead spot of grass that's the size of a baseball. Oh my.
Residents supposedly break rules when they don't adhere to each covenant? I won't get into "aren't rules meant to be broken" here, but seriously...you must take into consideration that there are always, always two sides to every story. Just because you have the power of the HOA please don't think that you could do no wrong. I'm here to tell you that you can. You aren't perfect. Perfection doesn't exist in the real world.
Tale of the letters...
First it was a cordial reminder letter. The next month it was a 2nd reminder letter. Then a 3rd letter with a threat to fine me due to not adhering to the "Covenants of the HOA." You are going to fine me for not tending to my lawn, which I do weekly? I pamper my lawn more than I pamper myself. How dare you accuse me or threaten me of being neglectful. I consider that rude. Did you forget who pays your salary? In a nutshell, would you pay a fine for something that you know you did correctly, yet someone else didn't? I'm not passing the blame. If I was guilty as charged I would pay the fine. I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong. Do you?
I'm curious as to why you just drive by homes with your notebooks and never step out of the car. Yes, I've seen you casually coast your car from home to home jotting down notes and taking photos. Why, don't you ever stop by and ring the bell to say hello? If the neighborhood has an HOA chances are it's a safe area. Do you fear confrontations? Are you guilty of something? I consider that cowardly that you won't say hello to me. Maybe we could chat and discuss issues that I might have. Or we could just talk about the weather. I mean I do pay you, wouldn't you like to meet your boss? I am a nice person. I don't bite.
Have you considered cutting back on letters and "going green" and doing your part to save the enviroment. In addition you could stop wasting our money and go paperless. Did you ever stop and think about the trees that could be saved with the amount of letters that you mail out to residents? You are cutting off our oxygen! How about using email instead of snail mail? Wouldn't that be wiser? How about the telephone? Something for you to consider if you care anything about the enviroment. Also if you care anything about saving the residents some money. (Insert humor)
For the record I did mail you your letters back. I included the dates and times of all impending fractions of the "covenant" rules, that I supposedly broke. I don't feel I had to do so, I'm an adult and I sure as heck don't think it's right that I need to be "told" when to tend to my yardwork. I sure as heck don't need to be told to clean up leaves from neighbors trees that the rain washed to the front of my house. Do you ever take into consideration that a hardship might have been bestowed unto residents? Do you ever think that you might be too annoying? Believe it or not we could all be annoying. No one is perfect.
You get what you pay for...
Word on the street is that you ended a contract with the maintenance company. You put some good people out of work. Why? Because you received a cheaper deal from a company that you aren't sure if their work is up to par. Yet you saved money. Never mind that the good people who are now out of a job were residents of the community. They worked endless hours to be sure our community sparkled. And it sure did.
Since you are now saving money does this mean our fees will be reduced. I didn't think so. That's more pocket money for you. My fees went up from $158 a quarter to $250 a quarter within 10 years. What do we get? More firework fiestas to drive our animals insane. No thank you!
I do understand you have a job to do. I just don't agree with how you perform your duties. I don't trust the HOA and I am entitled to voice my opinion. All I ask is that you do not harass. No one likes their buttons pushed. No one. It's just not the American way.
As with any group of people, anywhere there will be bad apples. These bad apples ignore the rules. They ignore the "covenant" and don't pay homeowners fees. That's unacceptable. I also think it's unacceptable when the good apples have to suffer due to the bad apples.
Some HOA's try to take advantage of the good apples by trying to syphon extra fees out of them to compensate for the bad apples. That should never be permitted. Maybe I live on a different planet than these HOA's, but if that's the case I'll stay on my planet and you stay on yours. Never, ever try to abuse your power. Never, ever try to do wrong unto someone who is doing the right thing seeking to quietly enjoy their beautiful community!
REAL ESTATE 32828 by the Numbers!
written by Eddy Solon, 32828 Realtor, AP Resident
Keller Williams Advantage Realty II
What does all this mean? To put it into perspective, price per square feet increased about $1 from the previous month, however the availability of Short Sales and Foreclosures have also increased by more than 30%. In addition, many Foreclosures are now being sold close to 2007 levels (pre-crash), hence many homeowners who once were up side down, can now list their homes as a traditional sale, and some may even pocket equity from the sale. It is a very strong seller's market, hence if you are entertaining the idea of listing your home for sale, this would be a good time.
The first stop when you house shop!
My New Home workshop
When: September 17, 2013 at 6:30 pm
Where: Chase - Avalon Park
425 Avalon Park Blvd S #100
Buying a home is one of the most important financial decisions you will ever make. And as with any big decision, you want to be sure you know your facts and options first.
Expert guidance. Real-life examples. In-depth explanations.
The My New Home workshop offers everything you need to know as you prepare to buy a home.
This educational workshop will help you to:
•• Understand your costs up front
•• Determine a price range that’s realistic and comfortable for you
•• Know more about how a real estate agent can help you
•• Learn how your credit score can impact your loan
•• Identify the paperwork you need for a smooth loan process
Visit chase.com/MyNewHome/learn for more information, online tools and resources
Register today! Contact me for details. 
All home lending products are subject to credit and property approval. Rates, program terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Not all products are available in all states or for all amounts. Other restrictions and limitations apply.
Home lending products offered by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
MY JOURNEY: MIKE SEIF One Neighbor's Story

written by Judi K. Kerr, Orange Spiel
In our fast paced world, you need a savvy technical guru to keep the rest of us up on the latest trends in information sharing and delivery. Enter—Mike Seif, Operations Manager for Orange TV. If you’ve ever met Mike, you would know what I mean by fast-paced. He speaks at warp speed in super-techno ease as he mentions video-streaming,
codecs and containers, and .iOS and .avi file formats.
All of this talk can be quite confusing to non-teckkies, but his end product is always right on cue. Like Scotty from Star Trek, Mike’s high-tech skills allow him to come up with last-minute solutions. A recent example of his cutting edge gift was at the 2013 Mayor’s State of the County Address at Full Sail LIVE. From the idyllic Orange County visuals on-stage to the wellcrafted videos, Mike worked countless hours to engineer a brilliant and well-received end product in record time. Mike moved to Orange County 11 years ago from Miami, Florida with his Family to Avalon Park.
Once a master of infomercials and music videos in the 1990s, he appeared on the scene to bring OTV up-to-speed on its broadcasting quality. Mike even developed a virtual studio in his home, so he can take care of any problems that could arise on the fly. This is far-far away from the days of ticker tape and jail mug shots on OTV. “Mike Seif is one of the key reasons why Orange TV has evolved into one of the nation’s best television production studios for government and informational programming. His technical expertise is matched only by his passion for excellence and his ability to spread his sense of fun and enthusiasm throughout the staff,” says Steve Triggs, Orange County Communications Manager.
Lucky for Orange County Mike loves to keep up on the latest in web and video standards. “This has allowed me to merge OTV with new trends in social media and web development,” says Mike. “In most cases you would have somebody who understands only one of those aspects and would either outsource the other to a company or would have to hire two positions to accommodate this evolution in video distribution.”

written by Manuel Jimenez
Avalon Park Neighbor
The 2012-2013 school year was like any other, another wave of students working their way to two credits of high school Spanish. Every group of students is special because they are your group of students for that year, and as a teacher, it’s an opportunity to spark an interest they may have never considered. Some students take it seriously, others not so much.
Then... One day, my daughter’s 1st grade teacher Mrs. Shutters, sent an email asking for mystery readers. I responded right away. I knew it would be a fun experience. So, I went in one afternoon and brought over some Spanish books to read. I figured “it’s what I do, why not.” I read “El Verano” aloud to the students, all of them sitting on the carpet listening, and watching as I began the story. I would check for comprehension just to make sure they understood the story, and they did! I would ask them to repeat some words, and to tell me some words they already knew.
The children were like sponges taking in everything I said. The excitement in their faces and the eagerness to learn is what sealed the deal. I got goose bumps when it came to me; this is what these young children need. At that moment, I made a decision to embark on this quest to offer languages to elementary school children. It was this group of students that inspired me to establish this language program.
I enjoy being involved in my children’s school, being a member of the PTA, volunteering for PTA events, and doing what ever I can to help out at the school and its teachers. I know that being involved is the key to a great school, students, and community.
Central Florida Language Academy has passion for languages! We believe that one of the keys to success is being multilingual. That is why we offer after school language courses to elementary school students during the regular school year.
Our mission is to develop the students of tomorrow through language acquisition. Classes are held at Stone Lakes Elementary 15200 Stoneybrook Blvd. Orlando, FL 32828 between Avalon Park and Stoneybrook communities. This convenient location makes it possible for students from surrounding schools to take advantage of the courses being offered this 2013-2014 school year. Central Florida Language Academy will be offering Spanish, French and Chinese Mandarin for 13 weeks during the first semester.
2013-2014 Fall Semester Schedule
After school 3:30pm-4:30pm
Here's what's on Social Media:
Avalon Park's Assisted Living Facility Coming Soon!!!!!!
13798 Cygnus Drive, Orlando, Florida 32828
| Please join us for the Ground Breaking Ceremony of Avalon Park's Premier Senior Living Neighborhood! |
AP Gazette Opportunities
As a new and growing newsletter, we have many opportunities for neighbors to contribute and volunteer their writing talents and time to help build community. We are a group of volunteers. Below are several positions still needing to be filled:
1. Reviewers- to review final submittal of newsletters prior to publishing
2. Education Contributor- An article written by an Educator in one of East Orlando schools. Topics may be anything to do with Education and teacher, student, and parent awareness. This will be a good place to highlight top achievers in our school (teachers and students).
3. Sports Contributor- To discuss East Orlando Sports, anything from little league and up
4. Political Contributors- Discuss local politics that impact East Orlando Residents along with other Political contributors
To be able to participate, you must be an East Orlando resident, if writing, submit an article prior to 3rd Thursday of the Month 12:00 pm, and send your interest and brief description of your background to Publishing@apgazette.com Keep in mind, any neighbor can submit an article.
5. Safety Contributor- Preferably someone in law enforcement who lives or patrol our community to provide monthly contribution on safety trends, practices, and awareness.
6. Tell us your story- Have a personal story about a triumph or a life transition that took place and you think it will benefit others, tell us your story by
emailing publishing@apgazette.com
7. Have A Birthday or Anniversary coming up, Email us and we will showcase it in the associated issue. Email publishing@apgazette.com