Circulating to over 5,000 plus subscribers in Orlando and surrounding communities

Friday, February 28, 2014

Volume III Issue II

Volume III Issue II


Kapow, East Orlando Safety, 30 Something, Orange County, Auto Burglaries- A Crime of Opportunity, Real Estate 32828, HGTV, OC Commision Race,   EO Eateries, and AP Gazette Opportunities
Picture Source: jillberg, CC:BY, via flickr

30 Something!
Adult Developmental Stages in the 30's
Written by Carly Sullens, Art Therapist and Avalon Park Resident


The thirties are a decade or permanence and establishing the status quo. The thirties begin for most adults by growing a family, a predictable job, having a car and home. The thirties also allow for more financial stability and often first time home ownership.

The preparation in the 20's resolve the thirties to be a more stable and a dependable decade. Routines become more of the norm. The thirties are a time when adults are more mature and seemingly have their act together. Most adults in their thirties begin to enjoy the fruits of their labor and hard work from their twenties.

Being Thirty Something

The thirties are a decade in adulthood where the body is still strong and shows minimal signs of aging. They are still young enough to enjoy physical activities without worrying about pain remedies that coincides when the body ages.

Often the majority of hands on parenting happens when adults are in their thirties.

The thirties are also a time when most adults become established in their chosen careers and climb the corporate ladder.

With careers and families the thirties can be a decade with more stability and routine. For some adults in their thirties the increase of structure can be stifling. Other adults appreciate the increase of security the thirties have to offer.

Defining the Deceade: Why Your 30's Matter
  • Raise a family
  • Increase in income
  • Home ownership
  • Some will divorce
  • Increase in self-identity
  • The Thirty Years

Some adults embrace their thirties as a reprieve from the twenties. Other adults in their thirties find this decade just as challenging or more challenging due to the extra pressures of being an established adult. The extra pressures come from being married with children- or the pressure of finding a lifelong mate if that has not happened.

In spite of the added responsibilities of marriage, family and career the thirties can be a time when adults come into their own.

Advice for Adults in Their Thirties

The thirties are a decade of permanence.
  • Here is some advice to help you manage your thirties:
  • If you are raising a family, get support. Having friends, a community and extended family can make raising a family easier.
  • Enjoy your family, home, car and the life you are establishing.
  • If you are in a career or job you do not like, you can always explore other career and educational options.
  • Do not let yourself go stale. Although the thirties do provide more stability, keep your life fresh and exciting by taking classes and doing activities you can now afford or have the additional time for.
  • If you are going through a divorce, know this is not the end of your love life. Give yourself time to grieve and heal.
  • Continue to take good care of your body. Eat healthy and exercise.
  • If you go through a trauma or stressful event, or if your past is haunting the present go to therapy.
  • Pay off your student loans.
  • Begin to save for your future.
  • Invest what you have left over.
  • Go on vacation. Now you have extra income you can save for the vacation of your dreams.
  • If you are going bald or your hair is thinning know this is a natural part of aging.
The Average age of Divorce

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average age for couples going through their first divorce is 30 years old. The average length of a marriage that ends in divorce is eight years. If a divorce is going to happen for a first time marriage it usually happens when the couple is in their thirties.

It is never easy when a marriage ends. Whatever the reason for the divorce, marital separation can turn your whole world upside down and trigger all sorts of painful and unsettling feelings in your thirties.

Divorce affects:
  • Mental health
  • Physical health
  • Family relationships and ties
  • Work
  • Home
  • Children
  • Divorce is painful because it represents a significant loss, not just martial loss, but also the loss of dreams and commitments.

Divorce does not mean your world is over. Divorce can be seen as a gateway to a new life, or a new beginning. You can rebuild, and re-discover who you are and love again. Emotional healing after a divorce takes time.

The thirties are a time for raising a family, becoming more established in a chosen career, home ownership, as well as becoming more self aware.

By the time some adults leave their thirties they have experienced a divorce from their first marriage and perhaps remarried. The strengthen and defining of one's identity is fortified in the thirties through the permanence of family relationships, careers and routines. This permanence is then carried over for adults emerging into their forties.
A Crime of Opportunity
Auto Burglaries in East Orlando is the most reported Crime

Auto Burglary is a Crime of Opportunity

Most thefts occur when valuables are left unattended. The thief normally seeks privacy to commit his/her act. Virtually any article left in plain view is apt to be stolen. Most property that is stolen is left unattended or unlocked.

Who provides the burglar with the opportunity? The victim provides the burglar with the opportunity by leaving their vehicle unlocked or their window open. Most property stolen is left in plain view where anyone walking by the car can see it lying there.

What are their favorite targets? Anything of value. The property most preferred is cash or loose change that is left in the console or ashtray of the vehicle. They also like CD's, wallets, purses, cellular phones, radar detectors, radios, speakers, and cassette tapes.

When do auto burglaries occur? Most auto burglaries occur at night while the vehicle is parked outside the victim's residence. Some burglars also target vehicles that are parked in parking lots while their owners are at work, in class, or shopping. They know it's going to be a long time before the owner returns to their car and the likelihood of being caught is low.

What can I do to keep from being the victim of an auto burglary? Park your car in a garage or parking lot that is supervised by an attendant. Park your car in well-lit areas away from places of concealment, such as alleys and behind bushes. Close your windows and lock your doors. Never hide a key in one of those magnetic key boxes, because if you can find it, so can a burglar. Take your valuables with you when you leave your car or lock them in the trunk out of sight.

What should I do if I find my car has been burglarized? Report anyone that is seen trying door handles, looking in cars or loitering in the parking lot. If the burglary is in progress Call 911. They call taker will ask you who you are and where you are calling from. Then they will ask you to describe the suspect (race, sex, height, weight and clothing description). If the burglary has already occurred.

Call Orange County non-emergency number at 823-Help. Do not get inside of the car to see what's missing because you may be destroying evidence needed to catch the burglar.

Auto Burglary Prevention Tips
  • Remove visible items from your vehicle - If you leave items visible in your car, you are a target. Be aware that someone may be watching as you put a wallet, purse, or cell phone under your seat, especially at a gym. Take these with you or secure them in your trunk.
  • Lock Up!
  • Lock your vehicle and take your keys, even for quick errands.
  • Lock the trunk, hatchback or tailgate to block access into the vehicle.
  • Close all windows, including vent or wing windows and sunroofs.
  • Vehicle alarms - Buy an alarm and use it! Many people believe that alarms no longer make a difference, however, they do remain an effective deterrent to a burglar. Remember criminals are looking for the easy target.
  • Vehicle Registration - Black out the address on your registration and photocopy it. Keep the copy, not the original, in your car. You must have the registration available to present to a police officer upon request.
  • Do not attach personal information to your keys - If your keys are stolen, having your personal information or vehicle license number attached only compounds the problem. A criminal now may have access to your home, automobile or office.
  • Mail - Do not leave outgoing or incoming mail in your car, especially where visible. This has your name and address on it.
  • Garage Door Opener - Avoid leaving this in your car if possible.
  • Park Safely!
  • At home, park in your garage if you have one. Lock your car and all garage doors.
  • Park in a well-lit area.
  • Check to see that your vehicle is visible from pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
  • Remember, only you can prevent auto burglaries by removing your valuables from your vehicle and locking them in a safe place. Help us to protect your property.
Interested in Submitting an Article

Articles are due by the third Thursday of the Month, email them to

You understand by Submitting an article:
1. It may be edited to fit in the issue without my input
2. All final edits are completed by Avalon Park Gazette Reviewers and Editors in conjunction with the contributor, when deemed necessary
3. I will abide by AP Gazette creed, To build community one issue at a time through practical, informative, and lifestyle oriented articles in commitment with Integrity, Trust, Good will and Honesty.
4. I will submit to final edits made by the AP Gazette Team with my input when deemed necessary or without at the discretion of the AP Gazette Reviewers and Editors
5. I will submit an article before the 3rd Thursday of the month prior to 12 pm to be considered.
6. My article may or may not be considered or may be used in a future article under the sole discretion of the AP Gazette Reviewers and Editors.

If you do not agree, please do not submit an article.

AP Gazette Opportunities

1.  Reviewers- to review final submittal of newsletters prior to publishing

2.  Education Contributor-   An article written by an Educator in one of East Orlando schools.  Topics may be anything to do with Education and teacher, student, and parent awareness.  This will be a good place to highlight top achievers in our school (teachers and students).

3.  Sports Contributor-   To discuss East Orlando Sports, anything from little league and up

4.  Political Contributors-   Discuss local politics that impact East Orlando Residents along with other Political contributors

To be able to participate, you must be an East Orlando resident, if writing, submit an article prior to 3rd Thursday of the Month 12:00 pm, and send your interest and brief description of your background to   Keep in mind, any neighbor can submit an article.

5.  Safety Contributor- Preferably someone in law enforcement who lives or patrol our community to provide monthly contribution on safety trends, practices, and awareness.

6. Tell us your story- Have a personal story about a triumph or a life transition that took place and you think it will benefit others, tell us your story by

7.  Have A Birthday or Anniversary coming up, Email us and we will showcase it in the associated issue.  Email
KAPOW: Talented East Orlando Youth Rocking it Out!
Students of Avalon School of Music

Frozen in Time by local Kid band, Kapow
Watch Music Video by clicking here 

Elder Ambassador Program
Begins March 3, 2014

The Elder Ambassador Program is designed to increase awareness of elder services and opportunities in all communities within Orange County. The primary component of this program involves training volunteers to become spokespersons for programs and resources available to seniors in Central Florida.  In particular, the Council of Elder Affairs wants to ensure that they reach out across all cultures and languages.  Applications will go out on March 3rd.  If you are interested in being an Ambassador or finding out more about this great program, contact Tina Burnett at 407-836-5621 or

Citizen Planner Academy
Starting Saturday, March 15th ~ 8am to 12pm
450 E. South Street, Orlando, 32801

Have you ever wondered how citizens influence decisions about development, neighborhoods, and public projects? Local governments like Orange County engage the public through the planning process.  Citizen Planner Academy is a series of classes designed to educate the public about planning principles, the land development processes in Orange County, and special topics within the planning field.  A primary focus and unifying theme to the classes is sustainability, a concept that encourages consideration of long-term environmental and economic outcomes.

For more information, contact Tina Burnett at 407-836-5621 or 

Monthly Adopt-A-Tree
Saturday, March 15th ~ 8am to 12pm
Magnolia Park, 2929 Binion Rd, Apopka, 32703
This is a FREE program for all Orange County citizens designed to encourage residents to add trees to our environment.  Adding trees to the landscape has many long-term benefits.  Along with the obvious advantages of shade and beauty, trees provide oxygen, filter pollution, and create habitats for wildlife.  In addition, trees replenish our lost tree canopy that has diminished due to storm damage, age, and development.  Each county resident must provide proof of residency and will receive up to two trees while supplies last.
32828 Statistics: Zone 22B
Retrieved from OCSO Website

While 51 incidents were reported last Newsletter, 54 incidents were reported this month in our zone, which includes Avalon Park Area and surrounding communities.     Based on the data available, there were 1 Arm to Person Robbery, 24 Auto Burglaries, 6 Commercial Burglaries, 14 Residential Burglaries, 6 Stolen Vehicles, and 1 Strong Arm to Person Robbery..

Every month Auto Burglaries are the most common incident reported in our area.   In this Issue, we included a separate article specifically discussing safety tips for securing one's vehicle.  We definitely have an opportunity to bring down these numbers drastically through education and awareness every month.  

This month and every month after, we will report a summary of crimes reported in our specific area and adjacent neighborhoods.  The first step in crime prevention is awareness.

Avalon Park Residents, Have a safety concern?  Feel free to email our off duty deputy   He is very responsive!   What does off duty mean?  It really does not mean they are completely off duty.   They are hired by funds set aside by our HOA dues, on their off duty hours, to help secure the safety of our Avalon Park community.    We have four deputies, and Sal is the primary coordinator.

To receive future statistics, Subscribe to our newsletter here

Since first step in crime prevention is awareness, everyone can contribute by forwarding these updates to their neighbor.

East Orlando Resident, have an incident, a report, or safety event, please email to be distributed to our 2,000 plus subscribers.
OC Commissioner Race District 4
Written by Jacob Engels, East Orlando Post

I pick 5 questions, and you pick 5.

Over the past couple of months, I have been covering the Orange County Commission District 4 race pretty heavily. First it was Sean Ashby vs. Jennifer Thompson and then Ashby dropped out. Now it is a settled race with Democrat Euri Cerrud taking on incumbent Republican Jennifer Thompson.

Recently, I have been trying to take advice from our readers and as a result wanted include everyone on an idea I had. For this race and others, I will be creating a candidate questionnaire that will consist of 10 questions. 5 will be questions I create and the other 5 will be questions selected from the readers of East Orlando Post.

We will print exactly what the candidates send back to us, nothing more & nothing less.

So, below are my 5 questions. To all those who have been begging for a more fair and balanced approach in our coverage on this race - it's time to put your money where your mouth is and submit the questions you want asked of these candidates.

Please submit your questions to or by calling 231-360-1411.  The candidates will then be given the questions and have until Friday of next week to answer them.

 My questions -
  1. First, tell us a little bit about yourself. Personal, professional, and beyond.
  2. What makes you more qualified and more capable of serving the residents of District 4 on the Orange County Commission?
  3. What would be your first priority once elected?
  4. What will you do to improve the traffic congestion in District 4?
  5. What will you do to improve public safety in District 4?
written by  Eddy Solon, 32828 Realtor, AP Resident
Remax Avalon Park

For Foreclosures listings, Home Valuations, and for investors looking for homes under $100K in Orlando, please visit 

The Latest price per square feet on homes sold in the 32828 can also be located on the site.

If considering selling, you must determine an estimate of what your home is worth or what you will need to begin the process.

HGTV may be coming to Avalon Park

The producers of HGTV contacted me this past week and they are interested in working with me. Found me online. HGTV, House Hunters, was inquiring if I have any interesting buyers that would like to be on the show. I have sent them a handful of buyers that I am currently working with who have agreed, but told them that I will reach out to my sphere also.

They are pretty much looking for Buyers who understand how the show is formatted, fans are wanted:

1. Buyers who can articulate their wish list, needs, and wants
2. Buyers who can expressively share their disappointments and likes on camera
3. Buyers who can clearly discuss their journey, their need to move

Time frame of purchase, 1-2 month must be available for 5 days of shoot.

If you know of any interested buyers, please have them email

Some of the local East Orlando Eateries
Reviews and Costs

Jeremiah's Italian Ice 89%
$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Desserts/Ice Cream 877 North Alafaya Trail

Guavate Puerto Rican Eatery... 87%
$$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Puerto Rican 422 South Alafaya Trail Suite 20

Brianto's Original Hoagies 89%
$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - American, Hot Dogs/Sausages, Sandwiches/Subs 12001 Avalon Lake Drive

Five Guys Burgers and Fries 89%
$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Burgers, Fast Food, Hot Dogs/Sausages 551 North Alafaya Trail

Rice & Beans Cocina Latina 88%
$$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Cuban, Latin American, Dominican 504 North Alafaya Trail

Fuji Sushi & Teppan Japanese... 81%
$$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Asian, Japanese, Sushi 504 North Alafaya Trail

Sweet! By Good Golly Miss... 85%
$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Bakery, Desserts/Ice Cream, Frozen Yogurt 711 North Alafaya Trail

toojays 87%
$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - American, Breakfast/Brunch, Diner 715 North Alafaya Trail

Summer Palace 87%
$$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Chinese, Japanese, Sushi 588 South Alafaya Trail

TooJay's Gourmet Deli 87%
$$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - American, Bakery, Sandwiches/Subs 715 North Alafaya Trail

Davis Bakery and Café 90%
$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Breakfast/Brunch, Sandwiches/Subs 12001 Avalon Lake Drive Suite G

Eastside Bistro 84%
$$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - American, Burgers, Sandwiches/Subs 12001 Avalon Lake Drive

Thunya Thai Restaurant 88%
$$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Thai 13001 Founders Square Drive

Thai Singha 82%
$$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Sushi, Thai 863 North Alafaya Trail

Crispers 90%
$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Sandwiches/Subs, Soup, Salad 557 North Alafaya Trail

Simply Frozen Yogurt 84%
$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Frozen Yogurt 504 North Alafaya Trail

100 Montaditos 91%
$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Sandwiches/Subs, Spanish, Tapas 417 North Alafaya Trail

Tijuana Flats 89%
$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Mexican, Tacos, Tex-Mex 1024 Avalon Park North Boulevard

Keke's Breakfast Café 83%
$$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - American, Breakfast/Brunch 504 North Alafaya Trail

Boston Coffeehouse 89%
$ Avalon Park / Waterford Lakes - Breakfast/Brunch, Coffee, Sandwiches/Subs 12789 Waterford Lakes Parkway

Good Fella's Pizzeria 95%
$ Waterford Lakes/ E Colonial -Lunch/ Dinner, Italian Cuisine

If you would like to add to this list, please feel free to email 

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